mandag 17. april 2017

Low Roar ~ Once in a long, long while...
(the whole beautiful album)

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟


onsdag 5. april 2017

F ~ Pinerrarissuaq ~ feat. Ole Kristiansen
~ By Frederik K. Elsner, Christian K. Elsner / Video by Gerth Lyberth ~


Paarpoq pinerrarissuaq anorsersuartumi
Unammillerpoq avatanqiisimi qunusuitsuulluni
Tarningi atorluqit maannamullu naleqqussarlugit
Annilaanganeq takussaajuarluni
Immitsinnullu pissutittuarluta
Inuunermi aqqusaakkani imaannaanngitsuusimasut
Inooriaatsitsinnullu sunniutaasimallutit
Ullumanna tikillugu


søndag 2. april 2017

Field finds: Black Glass Buttons, pre-1918
Also called "Jets"

(However, real jets are made of coal, not glass, and are very rare)


The oldest button ever found is around 5000 years old
from the Indus Valley in Pakistan.
This button was made of curved seashell

lørdag 1. april 2017


 🐝                🐝

Pearls before Swine ~ Snow Queen